Maarten's lovable design circus

Baas is in Town

Von Wava Carpenter

The most enjoyable show in Milan this year is Maarten Baas's circus-themed installation Baas is in Town, which features both new, serious works alongside quirky improvised objects that may have no life beyond this week. Embracing (or mocking) the pandemonium that every designer faces when exhibiting during this crucial design week event, Maarten in collaboration with his longtime production partner Bas Den Herder set up a riotous presentation complete with carnival music, lighted signs, and even a sad clown.

Den Herder Production House also presented new works in the Sideshow, along with other designers who contibuted to Baas's installation, like Atelier Van Asseldonk.

Even if the intention was meant to be a bit sarcastic, at least for me, the Maarten's show filled me with wonder and delight, and reminded me of the years when coming to Salone guaranteed exhilarating new discoveries.

Maarten welcomes us to his circus Maarten welcomes us to his circus
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  • Text by

    • Wava Carpenter

      Wava Carpenter

      Seit ihrem Studium in Designgeschichte an der Parsons School of Design hatte Wava schon in vielen Bereichen der Designkultur den Hut auf: sie lehrte Designwissenschaft, kuratierte Ausstellungen, überwachte Auftragsarbeiten, organisierte Vorträge, schrieb Artikel und erledigte alle möglichen Aufgaben bei Design Miami. Wava lässt den Hut aber im Büro – auf der Straße bevorzugt sie ihre Sonnenbrille.

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